Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance Approach (CO-OP)

Prof Elspeth Froude and Prof Iona Novak
SYDNEY - Term 1, 2025

Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance Approach (CO-OP)

Module 1 – 2 days – Face to Face – Sydney
Module 2 – Consolidation – One day – ONLINE – approx 3-4 months post workshop attendance

The goal of the Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance approach (CO-OP) is to enable children and adults with performance difficulties, be they physical, cognitive, or other, to succeed in performing the everyday tasks and activities that are important to them. The CO-OP approach is client-centred and supports individuals to apply cognitive strategies to develop the skills they need to achieve at the tasks they want to, need to or are expected to do.

CO-OP was developed to provide therapists with an evidence-based approach to enabling performance success in an effective and efficient way. It engages the individual at the meta-cognitive level to solve performance problems. Focused on enabling success, the CO-OP Approach employs collaborative goal setting, dynamic performance analysis, cognitive strategy use, guided discovery, and enabling principles. These elements, all considered essential to the CO-OP Approach are situated within a structured intervention format, and with parent/significant other involvement as appropriate.

The CO-OP Approach can be used with adults and children (over 4 years of age) who struggle with everyday tasks such as dressing, grooming, handwriting or cycling. It has been shown to be successful for clients with a variety of developmental or neurological conditions (eg developmental coordination disorder, ADHD, stroke and acquired brain injury) who experience difficulties with learning or re-learning motor based skills.

This workshop is suitable for allied health professionals

Workshop Aims/objectives – on completion of the two days participants will

  • have a working knowledge of the key theoretical and evidentiary foundations aspects of the CO-OP intervention approach
  • develop an understanding of the key features of the CO-OP Approach including
    • occupation-based, client-centered goal setting
    • dynamic performance analysis (DPA)
    • cognitive strategy use
    • guided discovery
    • enabling principles
  • be able to apply CO-OP in an evidence-based manner at a competent level

Workshop DeliveryThis workshop is provided in two modules (attendance at both modules is required to gain a Certificate of Attendance)

  • Module 1 – Two days Face to Face (Sydney) – this module will provide participants with the fundamental understanding of CO-OP and the practice competencies to apply the approach in their client cohort. Unfortunately the ability to link to this workshop via an online format or to record this workshop is NOT an option
  • Module 2 – One day (approx 3-4 moths post workshop attendance) – Online via Zoom –  This consolidation session allows clinicians to practice CO-OP in their clinical settings, prior to engaging in case discussions/presentations regarding their ability to apply CO-OP with fidelity (in the way CO-OP was intended).
  • Optional ICAN Certification – there is an option for participants to provide a 20 minute case presentation during the module 2 online session. This presentation is required for eligibility to proceed with the CO-OP Certification via ICAN.

About the Presenters

Professor Elspeth FroudeElspeth is a professor of OccupationalTtherapy who has worked in the higher Education sector for over 25 years and has a clinical background in working with children with developmental disabilities such as Developmental Coordination Disorder, Autism Spectrum Disorder and Cerebral Palsy. Elspeth is a certified trainer for the Cognitive Orientation to daily Occupational Performance (CO-OP) approach; and she currently serves as the Vice President of ICAN, the International Cognitive Approaches Network.

Professor Iona Novak  PhD, MSc (Hons), BSc (OT) – Professor Iona Novak is the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Chair of Allied Health, at The University of Sydney, Australia. As an international keynote speaker and a Fulbright Scholar, Iona is a trusted authority in evidence-based practice. The core of her research is a commitment to discovering, testing, and translating innovative treatments prioritised by people with cerebral palsy. Iona has made significant contributions internationally, in early diagnosis and discovering new therapies. Recognising the urgent need for solutions, Iona took the initiative to establish the “XCellerate”, an Australian and American Cerebral Palsy Stem Cell Research Network committed to finding repairs for brain injury.